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10:45am Breaking of Bread Service
(Bilingual English with Farsi subtitles)
23 Institute Road
Birmingham B14 7EG
We are an inclusive community
that is centred around Jesus
We seek to know God,
and make him known
We are a group of about 90 Christians
ranging in age from 0 to 90.
We regard each other as a family
with Christ as our Head.
We welcome people from all backgrounds
to our services and activities.
We meet every Sunday morning at 10:45 to Break Bread ("communion"). The service is in English with Farsi subtitles. Some prayers or bible readings are in Farsi and these are translated into English.
Like all Christadelphian Churches, we have no permanent ministers of any kind, encouraging all members to participate in leading services and taking equal roles in the Church. We are more informal in our approach to church life and worship than some other Christadelphian Churches.
Encourage a personal relationship between each individual and our heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Support each individual as they develop and live out that relationship in accordance with their Father's will for them.
Emphasise the need for a practical living out of the principles of Jesus Christ.
Create a haven of love for those in need, displaying openness, acceptance, understanding, and a strong hand of fellowship.
Promote a sense of 'family' within the church and recognise the contribution of all ages to church life.
Provide everybody with an opportunity to participate in church life, to encourage mutual service and to value the part played by each individual.
Facilitate the sharing of God's message of love and grace with others in an effective and non-judgmental way.
Provide a forum for worship of God, especially in music and prayer, and to emphasise the importance of such worship.
Acknowledge the importance and influence of the Holy Spirit in individual and Church growth.
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